Jan 312013

Užupis_Neustadt Winers PlejadeAmbassador  H.E. Mirko Sennewald (4-th from the right)

 “Embassy on Survival: General Statement”

The Embassy on Survival is:

–     responsible for any case of danger of life considering the terms of the Užupis Constitution, especially:

·         17. Everyone has the right to be unhappy.

·         22. No one has the right to have a design on eternity.

·         24. Everyone has the right to understand nothing.

·         32. Everyone is responsible for their freedom.

·         33. Everyone has the right to cry.

·         34. Everyone has the right to be misunderstood.

·         38. Everyone has the right to not to be afraid. 

–     saving lives in Užupis (and friendly Republics) before they gonna die and going into the hands of the Ambassador on Paradise.

–    Works cross-sectional with other bodies of the Republic of Užupis in case of need

Survive it!                              


”Embassy on Survival: Inauguration Statement”, Užupis, December 2010

Mirko inauguration

Ambassador in Survival and Minister of Foreign Affairs facing the Inauguration

 Dear friends of the Republic of Užupis, dear Excellencies, dear members of the diplomatic choir,

Hereby I present you the idea of the Embassy on Survival, which is one the most important resorts within all governments of the world. Please follow my argumentation, buy you a couple of beers and enjoy the history of survival since Jesus’ survival 2010 years ago.

“Survival” is a highly philosophical term, in the ontological view it means nothing else then simply being, although the word itself gives an irritated connotation: “über-leben” in German means the meta-level above the life. This opens the window to find out, what is behind it. Looking a bit clearer to the word “survival”, it has an ethical component, which loads the term with a negative connotation and means: “being under difficult circumstances” or “live along the border to death”. Coming back to the ontological level, it means life in its real sense: “being-unlimited”. In the books of the great philosophers Heidegger and Sartre you will find long and nearly not understandable word-constructions, trying to define the ontological “a priori of being”. But as for now, enjoy your beer and let your brain hang back to your last situation of survival.

Who never felt sad and lonely? Who never went through times of darkness? Ask yourself, how did you felt in case:

–     you lost your big love?

–     you lost your job?

–     you made an nonreturnable mistake?

–     you buried your best friend?

–     you got known about cancer of a relative?

Can you feel the pain? If you cannot feel the sadness now, then order another beer and drink you back to the ontological level! And: Survive!!!

Looking to the term of survival a second time, it’s possible to see another dimension. While the terms “life” and “death” have both an absolute dimension, survival is a more procedural term. “Life is life” I remember to a famous song, even if the mission of the song was another, but it shows the totalitarian dimension of the word. Regarding “death” it’s even easier to understand its totalitarian character, because once you are dead, it’s impossible to survive. Both words are related to Totalitarism. Survival in totalitarian systems had often an existential meaning. “Death or alive!”, that was the parol under Stalin and the other murderers in the past. No choice; survival was not an officially wanted option. I often remembered to the poet and author Ossip Mandelstam, when I went through a turbulent time of illness, sadness and loneliness. Even if you didn’t read Mandelstam’s works, I recommend you to read Robert Littels “The Stalin Epigram”. I did so, and I am highly impressed, how the quite emotional poet was able to survive. Stalin personally caused pressure to him, disabled him to work, split him from his big love and finally sent him to the safe death to the Far East Russia. Mandelstam died near Vladivostok, or more exactly: he finished to survive! Compared to Mandelstam, my own situation wasn’t the half difficult.

Survival is – so seen – a term of freedom: to make a choice for life, even if it’s hard. As Ambassador on Survival I see my job in giving the people of the Republic of Užupis a philosophical base to understand the difference between the totalitarian word-couple “life and death” and the freedom-term “survival”. Nearby to the Republic of Užupis you will find a best practice example for understanding the difference. The neighboring Republic of Belarus still executes the death penalty, you see exactly, what I mean: death or alive, no chance for survival. A bit more tricky to understand, but simply the existence of Belarusian persons in political exile shows exactly, what I mean with survival as a term of freedom. My friends Pavel, Andrei and others had no chance to survive in Belarus, but abroad in freedom. I want to remind you to a complete university in exile (EGU), in the neighboring city of Vilnius.

I am happy and proud the same time to hold the flag of the free and independent Republic of Užupis in all those Winds of Change, whenever freedom is in danger, in order to enable survival for the citizen of Užupis. Survival is at least each ones choice to live in freedom. “Being unlimited” to stress Heideggers term, in the limited time we all got as a present to live on this planet earth. So let’s live now and cheerz for more beers. But don’t forget: each beer brings us closer to death, but it may help to survive this tragic moment…

Mirko Sennewald, Ambassador on Survival, Užupis 04/12/2010

Jan 312013


Ambassador H.E. Anders Hansen

Consul in Blo Caramel H.E. Lars Myhre-Nielsen

pics from the 1-st visit of H.E. Ambassador to Uzhupis in ………


AmbasadaChristianijoje3Ambasada Christianijoje2Ambasada Christianijoje

pics of the opening of the Embassy

now we have a videostreaming channel between Uzhupis and Christiania (click and open in a new tab)


Christiania on the Treshold of Changes (2012)

L1070908Minister of Uzhupis foreign affairs defends Christiania under it’s map in Galoppieret and reads his poem dedicated to Christianians  Tomas Chepaitis Yellow Lights of Waiting


pics of Marius Abramavichius

Jan 292013

SAMSUNGAmbassador H.E. Steve Thompson, Chevalier of the Silver Garlic Bullet ordain (Apr. 2013)

(also Ambassador in Teesside)



workshops, lections, servic


coordinator for England and inventor of Octorama wiki for the Mail-Art project between Lithuania, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and England 2013-14 http://mailart2013.wikispaces.com/Participants


visited Uzhupis and Lithuania in April 2013

coming visit of H.E. and .E. Barry Hunt 2014

Jan 292013

judgeandgavelH.E. Steve Thompson, Ambassador to Digital Inclusion and Teesside.

Chevalier of the Silver Garlic Bullet ordain (April 2013)

Inaugurated in Vienna January  2010

Set up virtual Teesside Embassy here: http://tvcm.co.uk/uzhupis

coordinator for England and inventor of Octorama wiki for the Mail-Art project between Lithuania, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and England 2013-14 http://mailart2013.wikispaces.com/Participants