


we plan to publish the seminars and plays on unforgettable genius Jara Cimrman, written by Ladislav Smoljak and Zdeněk Svěrák

(translated from Czech by Almis Grybauskas, Aigustė Bartkutė, Vaida Braškytė-Němečková, Kristė Karvelytė and Tomaš Čepajtis) Cover(s) design: Ilona Kukenytė Layout: Nijolė Vilkišiutė

supported by Czech culture ministry

we plan to publish Yury Tynianov‘s book with three novellas: “Wax person”, “Leutenant Gi” and “Young Vitushishnikov”

planuojame išleisti Jurijaus Tynianovo knygą, kurioje trys novelės: “Vaškinė persona”, “Leitenantas Gi” ir “Mažametis Vitušišnikovas”

supported by / paremta Institut Perevoda (Maskva)


Simon Tugwell‘s book on Beatitudes. Translated by Tomas Čepaitis.

in Partnership with Eglutė/Joločka editions


Mark Galesnik “Pranašų, 48” humoristinis romanas. Iš Jeruzalės kalbų vertė Tomas Čepaitis. Redaktorė Zofija Kuncaitė. Dailinikas Ilja Bereznickas. Maketavo Nijolė Vilkišiūtė )

paremta Institut Perevoda (Maskva)





UžUni: Opening the Voice workshop (7 lessons) started on the Faculty of Sound, Voice and Sound on January 18-th.

UžUni: 1-st Stammtish (Common Table) of the Deans of Uzupis University was held on January 14-th. It was decided to held Stammtishes every (Tuesday) and Thursday


with the help of the grant of LTKT a construction of the website of Uzupis University began, and University was revived.

20 other initiatives of Uzupis Embassies were supported by this grant


In 2018 Uzhupis FA ministry together with Social Capital centre, Tartu, Estonia and |Literarus|, Helsinki, Finland was leading a network about the role of foreigners in national literatures as a ground for the mobile poetry festivals. It was supported by the grant of the Nordic Culture point.

publishing house ZARZECZE

Uzhupis Foreign Affairs Ministry has a small publishing house, which is issuing paper Constitutions in several languages, calendars, post-cards, post stamps, newspaper “Riverside Herald” in 7 languages and had issued till now 6 books (poetry et cetera) :

Juhani Ihanus. The Birch and the Steam. 100 Finnish proverbs, aphorisms and poems about Sauna. 2017

Tėfi. Humoristiniai apsakymai, II ir III tomai. Knyga ruošiama spaudai. Remėjai: Dar grantas nuo Institut Perevoda (Maskva) 2019 ir Dm.Bosky

Tėfi. Humoristiniai apsakymai, I tomas. Remėjai: Dar vienas grantas nuo Institut Perevoda (Maskva)


Maksimas Osipovas “Naminių paukščių klegesys” (verte I.Potašenko, I.Aleksaitė, T.Čepaitis, G.Baleišyte, L.Salimova) . Vertimus paremė Institut Perevoda (Maskva) 2017 , spaudą – D.Bosky

Виталий Асовский “Стихи о человеке” 2016

Juhani Ihanus. “On the Edge” Aphorisms. In English. 2015

 “Ars poetica?- Искусство поэзии?” Стихи вильнюсских поэтов. (перевод Виталия Асовского) 2015 (prize of the Vilnius City Council)

Юхани Иханус “Каббалист по дороге в Нарву “(перевод Томаса Чепайтиса) 2014

“Осенняя бухгалтерия”.  Стихи литовских поэтов. (перевод Виталия Асовского) 2014


Plans to publish in 2018/19

K.I.Galczynski “The Green Goose” comic miniatures  Tr. from Polish into Lith., Ukr.

Jurgis Kunčinas. Poems. In Russian. Transl. from Lithuanian by Vitaly Asovsky.

Teffi. Humoristiniai apsakymai. 3 t.. vertimas iš rusų k.

Ilja KItup. “Coz nowego z Kręsow”. vertimas iš rusų k.

Download booklet of the Zarzecze: Buklec2018-n

Uzhupis Library

(address – Vilnius, LT-01201, Užupio gatvė, 2A)

a good collection of Norwegian authors in Lithuanian language collected,thanks to the Nordic sponsors and ex-Ambassador of Norway to Lithuania.

Genius Loci – Vietos dvasia

Yekaterinburg (Russia), May 2013

Miera iela, Riga, May 2014

Ivanovskaya Gorka, Moscow (Russia), October 2019

200 years of Norway Constituion

play staged in P.Vileishis school on May 21-th, 2014. Author – Thomas Chepaitis, directed by Teatriukas and Diana Szymborska;  children played phantastically, choir sang belissimo

Mail-Art projects

2012 September-December – between Embassy in Saronno and Uzhupis’ P.Vileishis school (+Naujamiesčio dailės studija “Menų gatvė”)

2013 April – “training” Mail-Art project with Weardale school (County Durham, England)

2013 September-December  Mail-Art project  included 5 countries – Užupis, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, England

2014-2015  Mail-Art project includes 7 countries – Užupis, Lithuania, Slovenia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Russia, Latvia


100 Thousands Poets for Change

2020 coming!  On-Line in the times of Pandemic

2019.  Streaming Reading by Vilnelė


2017 September 30-th


2015 (in Uzhupis and Christiania, videos)

2015 Uzhupis participated in 100TPS conference in Salerno (Italy) on June 2-8

2013  (in Uzhupis, video) 100.000 poets for change

2012 (in Christiania)

2011 (in Uzhupis, video)

UFF (Uzhupis Film Festival)

Smiltynė 2010

Klaipėda 2011

Klaipėda 2012

? Cambridge 2013

Preila-Cambridge 2018

Preila-Užupis 2019

Klaipėda, Menų Zona, 2020

laikraštis “Užupio Heroldas”

   laikraštis “Užupio Heroldas”

бяларуски “Звязтун Зарэчча”

pour les femmes in French “La Joupe d’Uzupis”                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in English “Riverside Herald”

ORTWECHSEL (Vietokaita)

Literature-Photography Project with Berlin artists 2005

Presentations of Uzhupis Republic

Monmartre (Paris) 1999

Minsk 2001 (in the frames of Uzhupis artists’ exhibition)

Pispala (Tampere, Finland) 2003

Sibiu, Romania, February 2008 (with Amb. in Paradise)

Moscow, Lithuanian Embassy, December 2008

BRN, Dresden, June 2009, June 2012, June 12-15, 2014

St.Gilles, Bruxelles October 2009 (with Amb. in Paradise)

Tbilisi (with unveiling of the Uzhupis constitution in Georgian language on Vilnius square)

Middlebrough, N.England, February 2012

Saronno, Italy, April 2012

Kiev and Kharkov, April 2012 (by UMI & Amb. in Tibet)

Christiania (Kobenhavn, Denmark), September 2012, May 2014

Kalnciems, Riga, April 2013

Yekaterinburg (Russia) May 2013

Kiev, Chernigov, March, 2014

Aarhus, Denmark, May 13, 2014

Copenhagen, May 15 and 16, 2014

Miera iela, Riga, May 25, 2014

Pushkinskaya, 10, St.Petersburg, Russia,  June 25-30, 2014 (by UMI)

Prishtina, Kosovo, on session of ECP, October 2014

SoupTown, Tartu, Estonia 2014

Christiania, Denmark, September 2015

Girona, Catalunya, on session of ECP, October 31, 2015

Batumi, Georgia, on session of ECP, October 2016

Tartu, Estonia, March 2017

Северодонецк, Украина, Май 2017 (with Ukraine and Sever)

Tallinn, Estonia, at HeadRead festival, Mai 2018 (with Amb. in Estonia)

Kiev, Ukraine at Kiev Art Fair, Mai 2018 (by Emb. Ukraine &ArtCritics)

Berlin, Institute for Culture Diplomacy, December 2018

Munich, unveiling the Board of UzhConstitution (with minister without portfolio and Amb. in Munich and Blowballs), December 2018

Ruihoord, Amsterdam, Nederland, at VIII-th FCS, September 2019

Ivanovskaya Gorka, Moscow, Russia, October 2019

Warsaw (on LAVKA), Poland, October 2019 (with Krakow & Mexico)


Stromstad, Sweden, Mai 2018

Elena, Bulgaria, July 2018

Unveilings of the Uzhupis Constitution’s boards

coming! Czech

coming! Urdu

coming! New Prussian

coming! Portugal

Hebrew /       2020

Greek / Elleniki November 2019

Holland / Nederlandske 2019

Latin, September 2018

Armenian,  June, 2018

Sanskrit and Hindi, 2018

Latgala, 2017

Romanian, 2016

Chinese, 2016

Latvian, 2015 

 Spanish, February 6, 2015

Icelandic, June 2014

Ukrainian, February 15, 2014

Danish, October 9, 2013

Estonian, May 28, 2013

Gaelge May 17,2013

Arabic 2012

Tibet 2012

Finnish 2011

Norway 2011

Swedish, 2010

German, 2010

Georgian, 2002

Belarusian 2002

Yiddish 2002

Polish 2002

French 2001

Lithuanian 2001

English 2001

  4 Responses to “Projects”

  1. Приветствую! Очень заинтересовал ваш проект. Есть ли у Вас кто-то знающий русский язык? Хотел бы пообщаться подробнее.

    • Да, Элиас, я говорю/пишу по-русски. Давайте пообщаемся. –
      Министр ин.дел Ужуписа Томас Чепайтис

  2. How can I do to send you a translation of your Constitution on Galician (proper language of Galicia, in Spain)?

    • Hola, Marta,

      Oh, pleaze send it to my mi n istry s address []

      Great work! I love Galizia!

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