Jul 232017

ў беларуска-літоўскім памежжы

Амбасадар Алена Танкачова

рэзідэнцыя у Каптарунах;


ў беларуска-расейскім памежжы

Амбасадар Паліна Сцепаненка (Качаткова)

рэзідэнцыя у Воршы;

Чытай больш на: Ambasador Uzupisa v Orshe

Oct 252014

Ambasadorius J.E. Tomas Jonkus

paskirtas 2003 m. Ambasadorius priiminėja kai kuriais šiokiadienias Vilniaus Pilies g. kavinėse.



Kairėnų simbolis – į kairę rodanti Kairė. Skaičius – 18 (pagal čia pravažiuojančio autobuso numerį)

Kairėnai – geras pavyzdys kaip kuriasi kaimelis-miestelis-savotiška individualistų kaimynų šalis.

1990-tais Jonkai paklojo pamatą namui tuščioje vietoje, laukuose, kur nebuvo nei namų, nei gatvių.


Dabar ten eina gatvelės – Meldų,    trūksta Nendrių, Камышовая, ar panašiai

Tuomet būtų geriau išreikšta Paskalio mintis, kad žmogus tai mąstanti nendrė.

Kairėnuose yra (plyti) Botanikos sodas su daugybe įvairiausių gėlių, krūmų ir medelių.

Mar 292013

Gediminas' Tower - Click to enlarge.

Gediminas’ Tower – Click to enlarge.

Yesterday I climbed to the top of this hill and then to the top of Gediminas’ Tower with His Excellency Tomasz Chepaitis. It is also possible to climb to the top of the hill  by taking a funicular which reminded me of Saltburn back in England but Tomasz and I walked (slowly)

Once at the top Tomasz told me of the “Baltic Way” organised by his father in 1989. Two million citizens held hands and formed a line 600KM long starting at this very tower and stretching through Latvia and Estonia.

The first fortifications were built of wood by Duke of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Gediminas. Later the first brick castle was completed in 1409 by Grand Duke Vytautas. Some remnants of the old castle have been restored, guided by archeological research.

Gediminas’ Tower is an important state and historic symbol of the city of Vilnius and of Lithuania itself. It is depicted on the national currency, the litas, and is mentioned in numerous Lithuanian patriotic poems and folk songs. The Flag of Lithuania was re-hoisted atop the tower on October 7, 1988, during the independence movement that was finalized by the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania on March 11, 1990.[1] A reconstruction of the Royal Palace of Lithuania was completed in 2009, and is located near the base of the hill upon which Gediminas’ Tower stands.

Mar 142013

Ambassadors –

H.E. Valdas Kavaliauskas and Rasa


 Žan-Žakas – Jean-Jacques


Dargužiai – how to get there:


Bob Brown. The Complete Book of Cheese.


On Cheese by G.K.Chesterton


Gruodžio 30d, sekmadienį, Sūrių turgaus metu

Mano Guru, Vilniaus g. 22/1.
Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje – viskas apie sūrius! 
Pienas, melžimas, formos, fermentai, sūriai ( 10-15 rūšių), pakavimas, literatūra, senovinių pieno indų parodėlė ir, žinoma, sūrininko pasakojima