Jun 212019

Ambassador His Excellency Tomas Venclova (rotated from the Embassy in New Haven and Connecticut. For the self-sacrifying work in the Embassy mentioned H.E. Ambassador had been awarded the ordain of the Silver Garlic bullet.

Jun 172019

Ambassador His Excellency Nikita Kuznecov

His Excellency is translator of the works of Czeslaw Milosz into Russian (переводчик Чеслава Милоша на русский язык): “Долина Иссы” (читать) 


“Земля Ульро”http://limbakh.ru/index.php?id=6644


Jun 142019

Ambassador Her Excellency Maria Kasyanenko

In Luganda language Foreign Ministry sounds as “Kitambulisho”, in Swahili – Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje