Sep 082012

Ambassador H.E.Nikita Alekseyev (1953-2020)

N.Alekseyev, People’s Artist of Uzhupis Republic is an author of a seria of landscapes and a 15 page story on Uzhupis valley

Role: Signs credentials of the Ambassadors, located in nowadays or ancient Russia.

  4 Responses to “Embassy in Russia (Moscow)”

  1. Have a nice day
    Dear colleague Ambassador of the Republic of Uzupis
    I’m sorry if my english is poor, I only speak Italian. This text was translated with Google translator.

    Last year I promoted an exchange of 200 Mailart among pupils (aged 9 to 16 years) of 4 schools in the town of Saronno with peers from 2 schools Uzupis / Vilnius. We have sent the envelopes in December and young Lithuanians have responded in the month of February, with their mailart.
    See movie
    This year we want to repeat , we would like to involve other young people of other City with Official Uzupio Embassies offices .
    The goal is to raise awareness among their the boys using the Mailart as a means to communicate. The painting on the envelope expresses the concept that want to communicate with their peers . The painting above the limit of the differences of languages.
    Our boys are already working on the second edition of the exchange. Our young people will be prepared to forward Mailart in the middle of the month of December; to gratify the boys , in November , I organize a public exhibition under the patronage of the Mayor of Saronno and UNICEF located in Saronno .
    So we’ll do with the mailart that we will receive from your kids .
    My dream is to do a large network among young people, as it is in the uzupian spirit.
    Can you contact the teachers of a school in your town ?
    Can you ask if they have the pleasure of participating in the exchange ?
    We have about 350 mailart and plan to split proportionally between the schools participating .
    In addition to the 2 schools of Vilnius / Uzupis we hope to be able to exchange with at least one of your City .
    So shall ye: some at 6 schools in Saronno, some to the other Cities.

    Let me know postal addresses of the schools, the total number of mailart you send in Saronno and the name of the contact person who adheres to the international project.
    I hope that this initiative will like it and you share.
    Thanks for your attention.

    Embassy of Uzupis headquarters Saronno – Italy
    Gian Paolo Terrone

  2. Добрый день,
    Я собираю различные виды разрешительных документов при посещение различных стран мира ; обрабатываю в издательском редакторе и печатаю брошюру. Есть ли у Ужуписа, какие-либо виды виз (в т.ч. электронных), пропусков, разрешений на посещение любых других документов свидетельствующих о посещении страны, а также гражданство, ВНЖ. С получением, как вне пределов страны, так и на её территории. Это немного противоречит, как мне кажется, самой концепции страны, но всё же. Буду признателен за ответ.

    • Dobryj denj, Sergej,

      da, takije dokumenty jestj.
      Neskoljko vidov viz, svideteljstvo o poseszeniji, budet immigracionnaja viza.

      Rasskazite podrobneje o svoih broshiurah, pozalujsta.

      Tomas Chepaitis
      Ministr inostrannyh del Respubliki Uzhupis

  3. Добрый день, Tomas,
    Я думал, что мне ответят по почте, что я указывал и, не дождавшись, думал, что уже не получу ответа. Так, извините, сегодня только зашел и увидел Ваши комментарии.
    Вы можете написать на мою почту, чтобы я в ответ переслал .pdf; как я вижу, через сайт это сделать затруднительно?

    С уважением, Сергей Наумов

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