Oct 162022

Ambassador H.E. Peter Dierken

Press Attache – White Crow Frederick

  Embassy / Botschaft

Rostock is notoriously famous for its’ balconies:

“Sometimes it seems to me that we are all living on one long long balcony….” – says count Rostoff from Rostock, Russian emigree of XIX century.

The same in Uzupis – the long long house, previously cloister of Bernardine nuns, has a long long balcony inside. Also, Foreign Minister had organize a Library on the Balcony in 2011, which survived for two years.

Rostock balconies:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktiDkwUb4_k (Theater play starts at 9:45)
Oct 102022

Ambassador Her Excellency J.C.Todd



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On Currents


current issue,


The Rivers

The Delaware River – a major river on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It drains an area of 13,539 square miles (35,070 km2) in four U.S. states: Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.


By Seth B. Lyon (1961-2010), photographer – uploaded by User:JGHowes, with permission of the copyright holder and photographer, Seth B. Lyon, who has licensed it under GFDL, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6672808


The Sasquehanna River (/ˌsʌskwəˈhænə/; Lenape: Siskëwahane[7]) is a major river located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, overlapping between the lower Northeast and the Upland South. At 444 miles (715 km) long, it is the longest river on the East Coast of the United States.[8]

 By Nicholas A. Tonelli from Northeast Pennsylvania, USA – https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicholas_t/3594274494/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6951488



Ambassador’s Poetry:

Dec 022020

Ambasadorius J.E. Helas (Edvinas Kaminskas)


Keisti reikalai tai viskas kas nesuprantamna ir nepaaiškinama sveiku protu –

poelgiai, peizažai, būsenos, sumanymai, performansai ir gegutė.

Žmonės apie save galvoja kad jie sveiki ir normalūs, ir kas jiems nepriimtina vadina keistu žodžiu Keista.
Dec 022020

ambassador His Excellency Henri Malosse

Apie Korsiką – lietuviams Korsika emociškai turbūt geriausiai žinoma iš Sauliaus Šaltenio apsakymo ”   – “Aš norėčiau gyventi Korsikoj…

Dar, kad Napoleonas kilęs iš ten,