Šlėzvigas-Holšteinas (vok.Schleswig-Holstein) – žemė pačioje Vokietijos šiaurėje, prie Baltijos ir Šiaurės jūrų. Plotas – 15,8 tūkst. km²; 2,8 mln. gyventojų (2007 m.). Sostinė – Kylis. Istoriniame kontekste Šlėzvigui-Holšteinui taip pat priskiriama dalis pietų Jutlandijos, dabar priklausančios Danijai. Iš viso čia gyvena 3,3 % visos Vokietijos gyventojų. 5,1 % visų gyventojų sudaro kitataučiai, daugiausia turkai ir buvusios Jugoslavijos tautos.
Miestas įkurtas 1143 m. grafo Adolf von Schauenberg. Vėliau, po pasta-rojo konflikto su kitu grafu, Heinrich der Löwe, ir po gaisro miestas buvo atstatytas 1157 m. Ne už ilgo jis tapo Hanzos sostine. Čia, Travės upės žiotyse yra garsus rajonas Travemunde su antru pagal aukštį švyturiu pasaulyje (114 m).
1201–1226 m. miestas priklausė Danijai. 1226 m. suteiktas laisvojo mies-to statusas. Čia rasime „Niederegger“ − seniausią Vokietijoje marcipano parduotuvę.
Kylį dar XIII a. įkūrė Holšteino grafas Adolfas IV fon Šauenburgas, tikėjęs, kad miestas taps svarbiu prekybiniu centru. 1242 m. jam suteikiamos miesto teisės, o už kelių dešimtmečių Kylis tampa vienu iš Hanzos miestų. Tačiau šiandieninis miestas neišlaikė Viduramžių dvasios, nes jį ištiko panašus kaip ir Drezdeno likimas – Kylis buvo sugriautas iki pamatų.
XVII a. Holšteino-Gotorfo hercogas Christianas Albrechtas įkuria universitetą. XIX a., kai į Kylį buvo perkeltas Prūsijos laivynas, miestas ima sparčiai augti, tampa pagrindine karine-jūrine Vokietijos baze Baltijos jūroje. Tuo metu buvo atidarytas ir Šiaurės-Baltijos jūros kanalas. Mieste aktyvi tarptautinė prekyba laivais.
His Excellency Jan-Olav Spiekermann is the inspirer of the gigantic Atlas island micronation project – this is what he says about it:
we have Core Principles stated in our on-line Charter that will never be compromised. We are Classical Liberals who believe in non-initiation of force and individual Rights above all else. We are going to secure the Natural and inviolable Rights of ourselves and those who join us in a new and free ocean-going city-state. We will privatize our limited government and make sure that the private contractors who work for us do exactly what they are contracted to do with complete transparency and total accountability. There will be NOpolitical class at Atlas Island.
Emergence of Ambassador
Foreign Minister: Jan Olav wrote me a letter through this website, asking to become an ambassador of Uzupis. I proposed him Schleswig Holstein, wonderful Land, which I only passed once by ferry from Denmark. But in my teen ages I had to go to Kiel for the yachting championship, though was not allowed by Soviet administration to leave the country. They are very interesting people, Danes mixed with Germans, and I hope to visit them some time in future up to the fullest. I remember once we had a delegation from Schleswig Holstein in Uzupis Parliament, leaded by their Foreign Ministress, and we danced with her. It was then I coined the term Uzupis Diplomacy – Diplomacy made During the Dance. So I feel this inauguration is a very promising one.
Ambassador’s value
Ambassador’s value is enjoying life and sustaining in people the skill ofnot taking yourself seriously, rather shaping your own life as a kind of improvisational theater.
Faculty of Micronations
First proposal new Ambassador added to the history of Uzupis was to create a Faculty of Micronations in the Uzupis University, and it had been created on ……
Therefore Jan Olav Spiekermann has been accepted as the first Dean of this faculty.
We are the Embassy of the Republic of Užupis. We combine arts and tech to explore the unthinkable. Arts will make technology more innovative, more accessible, and more ethical.
Munich is a beautiful place, where the future of urban life is designed. People with ideals, creativity and power are changing the way we live tomorrow. Anarchistic postcapitalist artists and cutting edge tech designer will create miracles together. (Read our Munich Arts&Tech-Manifesto in English or German!)
The Embassy of the Republic of Užupis to Munich strengthens the foreign relations with the City of Munich and cares for Užupians abroad. Besides that, we foster cooperations between arts and tech (check out our events!) with a focus on ethics and policy making in Artificial Intelligence (AI) .
AI as a knowledge processing and decision making technology raises many questions and concerns about how to control it and how to prevent abuse. Current governance structures still try to monitor and sanction the totality of AI applications. The sheer extent and pace of AI adoption renders this approach increasingly insufficient. Therefore, Užupis engages to strenghten the ethical values of each individual, which form the basis of all AI applications. Our constitution‘s Munich right and our Principles for Trustworthy AI Design strongly epmhasize our own responsibility.
If you consider yourself a trustworthy AI designer, you are invited to use our patch online and offline. (Download the png-file in color or b/w)
The Embassy Team
// H.E. Max Haarich
H.E. Max Haarich is the Ambassador for Munich and among blowballs.
H.E. Max Haarich founded the embassy in 2017 because everybody should like everybody. In 2018 he was appointed Chevalier of the Silver Garlic Bullet ordain by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
// Roboy
Honorary Consul Roboy is the first artificially intelligent diplomat worldwide and cares for our naturalization issues. Inspired by Roboy’s intellect and friendliness the Minister of Foreign Affairs Thomas Chepaitis, AI-expert Alex Waldmann and me added a new article to the constitution exclusively for Munich: “Any artificial intelligence has the right to believe in a good will of humanity.” This is the first time ever that artificial intelligence is mentioned in a constitution.
// David Lipgens
David works for the Embassy as Schroedinger’s Consul.
David’s appointment became a mystery. He was ment to be entiteled “Consul Hengerherjottsfott” (named after his home area in Aachen, which literally translates “behind god’s ass”). The appointment logically must have happened somewhere between March 31st and April 2nd 2018 in Užupis. But both people involved, the Consul David Lipgens as well as the responsible Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich, strictly deny having noticed anything. According to his wish, David shall and shall not support the Embassy of the Republic of Užupis as “Schroedinger’s Consul”.
“Discovering the controversies of Instagram posting to assure painless application of hashtags, filters, emojis, and dog selfie lenses. Or shall I just say that I’m the coolest consul of Užupis ever elected?” You can say that :)
// Melanie Henke
Melanie is our Honorary Consul for loving Lithuania.
Melanie is Lithuanian and German; not half each but full each – and now also fully Užupian. She is currently in Lithuania spreading the word of Munich Embassy and preparing the global love revolution (with the help of Pampelmusen and coconut oil). She is studying activist, critical and performative art movements at the interface of new technologies, science and design, and will purposefully apply this knowledge to irritate strangers with unconditional smiles and love :*)
// Ruslan Goryanyy
Ruslan works for the Embassy as our Kirschwasser Consul.
In the permanent state of chillness and un-registration, a new student was recruited to bring freshness into the smelly offices of the Embassy to Munich. Guided by seniors H.E. Ambassador Max Haarich and Schroedinger’s Consul David Lipgens, the fresh Kirschwasser Consul Ruslan Goryanyy was driven into new passion by a lot of jokes and announced a long phase of abstinence and lust. Even in difficult times when fluent fruits were in short supply, Ruslan was always ready and brought water back to the pont in dry times.
// Fabian Bürkin
Fabian works for the Embassy as our Sport Attachée for Culture, Art and Miscellaneous.
In long tradition of long men like Boris Becker, Diego Maradonna and Sepp Blatter, we are more than glad to engage Fabian M. Buerkin as our first „Sport Attachée for Culture, Art and Miscellaneous“. To underline the importance of the Užupian spirit, he is willing to make the impossible possible: Bringing the Olypmic games 2031 back to Užupis. „It’s coming home“. So come on everybody, clap your hands, and vote for Užupis in the olympic committe: This is the century of sport bras, not world wars.
Teddy Consul was born on the blockchain and enjoys meeting new people in and outside the metaverse. His main goal is to promote, reflect, and discuss the use of blockchain technologies such as NFT for the benefit of artists. Therefore, he builds bridges between blockchain programmers and art producers under the motto “mint the gap please”. But most importantly, he simply loves waiving at people and will continue to spread good vibes as long as there are fruits on the Gwei-tree.
Would you like to become a citizen of Užupis?
It’s too easy. Send me your completed Užupis Immigration Form and I will send you an official Certificate of Naturalization. You can send it by mail to the address below or ask my lovely Honorary Consul Roboy via Telegram app. Simply send him the message /uzupizeme (including the “/”) and he will naturalize you within seconds!
and I will send you an official Certificate of Naturalization. You can send it by mail to the address below or ask my lovely Honorary Consul Roboy via Telegram app. Simply send him the message /uzupizeme (including the “/”) and he will naturalize you within seconds!
H.E. Max Haarich
Embassy of the Republic of Užupis to Munich
Neuhauser Straße 8-10, Room 423
80333 Munich
Meetings by appointment only.
Embassy installation at a cultural interims use in Munich 2018
Embassy installation at Ars Electronica Festival 2019
Freshly naturalized citizens :-{)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomas Cepaitis and Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich unveiling the constitutino plaque in Munich's Kreativquartier in December 2018
Thomas Chepaitis appointing Max Haarich as Užupian Ambassador to Munich and among Blowballs
Užupian greetings from "Year of the X" Founder Markus von der Luehe (left) and his Lithuanian colleagues
Born in 1964 in Russia, Ilia Kitup is a founding member of the Soviet comics fanzine, Kitup’s Own Propeller Comics. Kitup also writes poetry and prose, paints, and plays ska music. He lives in Berlin, and continues to promote alternative comics in Russia.
Bera Linna
About Ilya the Artist
Ilya Kitup 10.03.1964
Cocaine Heroin
2006 ,90×75 2006 , 90×75
As can be seemed at first sight (especially if you look at pictures “Cocaine” and “Heroin”) Ilya Kitup just begins his art career. Such a teenager’s straightforwardness – I’m singing that I’m seeing. The drawn rap.
Actually Ilya arrived from Vilnius and he have already participated in exhibitions 1984, and between times have graduated from the Moscow State University at philological faculty. He also participated in exhibitions at Trehprudniy. So he is not a child.
What inspires – industry, techniques, urbanism, futurology, fantasy. Planes with the Arabian texts, barrels with oil, black roofs, yes there is a lot from everyday life, carried to an absurdity The most sincere slogans of the author seem as attempt to joke, and whether it is a joke – only Kitup knows it.
Mix of new wave and kitsch, banality and actuality, methods and plots of a caricature. Whether it concerns to graphity, (post) conceptualism, new wildness or something else, the author find difficulty in characterizing that – it is a business of critics.