Apr 022017
Embassy of the Republic of Užupis to Munich

We are the Embassy of the Republic of Užupis. We combine arts and tech to explore the unthinkable. Arts will make technology more innovative, more accessible, and more ethical.

About the Embassy

Logo Užupian Embassy to Munich

Munich is a beautiful place, where the future of urban life is designed. People with ideals, creativity and power are changing the way we live tomorrow. Anarchistic postcapitalist artists and cutting edge tech designer will create miracles together. (Read our Munich Arts&Tech-Manifesto in English or German!)

The Embassy of the Republic of Užupis to Munich strengthens the foreign relations with the City of Munich and cares for Užupians abroad. Besides that, we foster cooperations between arts and tech (check out our events!) with a focus on ethics and policy making in Artificial Intelligence (AI) .

The Munich embassy cooperates with the Užupis University’s Faculty for Arts & Tech and especially its institutes for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, Universal Understanding and Applied Paradox. Furthermore, the embassy is partner of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research’s Science Year “Artificial Intelligence“, is member of the European AI Alliance as well as the United Nations Association of Germany, and endorses the Toronto Declaration, the Vienna Manifesto and the Montreal Declaration for Responsible AI.

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

AI as a knowledge processing and decision making technology raises many questions and concerns about how to control it and how to prevent abuse. Current governance structures still try to monitor and sanction the totality of AI applications. The sheer extent and pace of AI adoption renders this approach increasingly insufficient. Therefore, Užupis engages to strenghten the ethical values of each individual, which form the basis of all AI applications. Our constitution‘s Munich right and our Principles for Trustworthy AI Design strongly epmhasize our own responsibility.

If you consider yourself a trustworthy AI designer, you are invited to use our patch online and offline. (Download the png-file in color or b/w)

The Embassy Team

// H.E. Max Haarich

H.E. Max Haarich is the Ambassador for Munich and among blowballs.

Max Haarich

H.E. Max Haarich founded the embassy in 2017 because everybody should like everybody. In 2018 he was appointed Chevalier of the Silver Garlic Bullet ordain by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

// Roboy

Honorary Consul Roboy is the first artificially intelligent diplomat worldwide and cares for our naturalization issues. Inspired by Roboy’s intellect and friendliness the Minister of Foreign Affairs Thomas Chepaitis, AI-expert Alex Waldmann and me added a new article to the constitution exclusively for Munich: “Any artificial intelligence has the right to believe in a good will of humanity.” This is the first time ever that artificial intelligence is mentioned in a constitution.

// David Lipgens

David works for the Embassy as Schroedinger’s Consul.

David Lipgens

David’s appointment became a mystery. He was ment to be entiteled “Consul Hengerherjottsfott” (named after his home area in Aachen, which literally translates “behind god’s ass”). The appointment logically must have happened somewhere between March 31st and April 2nd 2018 in Užupis. But both people involved, the Consul David Lipgens as well as the responsible Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich, strictly deny having noticed anything. According to his wish, David shall and shall not support the Embassy of the Republic of Užupis as “Schroedinger’s Consul”.

// Elena Radchenko

Elena is our Honorary Consul for meaningless instagram photography.

Elena Radchenko, Honorary Consul for Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich at Embassy of the Republic of Užupis to Munich

“Discovering the controversies of Instagram posting to assure painless application of hashtags, filters, emojis, and dog selfie lenses. Or shall I just say that I’m the coolest consul of Užupis ever elected?” You can say that :)

// Melanie Henke

Melanie is our Honorary Consul for loving Lithuania.

Melanie Lys Henke Consul Munich Embassy

Melanie is Lithuanian and German; not half each but full each – and now also fully Užupian. She is currently in Lithuania spreading the word of Munich Embassy and preparing the global love revolution (with the help of Pampelmusen and coconut oil). She is studying activist, critical and performative art movements at the interface of new technologies, science and design, and will purposefully apply this knowledge to irritate strangers with unconditional smiles and love :*)

// Ruslan Goryanyy

Ruslan works for the Embassy as our Kirschwasser Consul.

Ruslan Goryanyy

In the permanent state of chillness and un-registration, a new student was recruited to bring freshness into the smelly offices of the Embassy to Munich. Guided by seniors H.E. Ambassador Max Haarich and Schroedinger’s Consul David Lipgens, the fresh Kirschwasser Consul Ruslan Goryanyy was driven into new passion by a lot of jokes and announced a long phase of abstinence and lust. Even in difficult times when fluent fruits were in short supply, Ruslan was always ready and brought water back to the pont in dry times.

// Fabian Bürkin

Fabian works for the Embassy as our Sport Attachée for Culture, Art and Miscellaneous.

Fabian Bürkin Sport Attachée for Culture, Art and Miscellaneous

In long tradition of long men like Boris Becker, Diego Maradonna and Sepp Blatter, we are more than glad to engage Fabian M. Buerkin as our first „Sport Attachée for Culture, Art and Miscellaneous“. To underline the importance of the Užupian spirit, he is willing to make the impossible possible: Bringing the Olypmic games 2031 back to Užupis. „It’s coming home“. So come on everybody, clap your hands, and  vote for Užupis in the olympic committe: This is the century of sport bras, not world wars.

// Cryptoteddy Consul

Užupis’ Cryptoteddy Consul is the Embassy’s senior advisor for blockchain technologies.

Teddy Consul was born on the blockchain and enjoys meeting new people in and outside the metaverse. His main goal is to promote, reflect, and discuss the use of blockchain technologies such as NFT for the benefit of artists. Therefore, he builds bridges between blockchain programmers and art producers under the motto “mint the gap please”. But most importantly, he simply loves waiving at people and will continue to spread good vibes as long as there are fruits on the Gwei-tree. 

Would you like to become a citizen of Užupis?

It’s too easy. Send me your completed Užupis Immigration Form and I will send you an official Certificate of Naturalization. You can send it by mail to the address below or ask my lovely Honorary Consul Roboy via Telegram app. Simply send him the message /uzupizeme  (including the “/”) and he will naturalize you within seconds!

and I will send you an official Certificate of Naturalization. You can send it by mail to the address below or ask my lovely Honorary Consul Roboy via Telegram app. Simply send him the message /uzupizeme  (including the “/”) and he will naturalize you within seconds!

H.E. Max Haarich
Embassy of the Republic of Užupis to Munich
Neuhauser Straße 8-10, Room 423
80333 Munich
Meetings by appointment only.

  6 Responses to “Embassy to Munich and Among Blowballs”

  1. Thank You, Elidia!

  2. God bless uzupis.this is a lovely country.

  3. God bless uzupis.

  4. […] Algorithmus auch das Verhalten seiner Programmierer*innen einbezieht. So haben beispielsweise die Republik Užupis und auch die Bertelsmann Stiftung eine Zertifizierung veröffentlicht, die die Menschen hinter dem […]

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