Apr 062024

Botschafterin Her Excellency Anette Smolka-Woldan

Upper Austria is a state of Austria which borders Germany and the Czech Republic. The capital of Upper Austria is Linz, which offers a large density of culture, like the Lentos Art Museum. The well-known spa town of Bad Ischl is located in the south, also the emperor had a villa there.
Upper Austria has many lakes and mountains and is a perfect place for people which like to hike. Furthermore, Upper Austria is located on the Danube (A. Smolka-Woldan)
Anette Smolka-Woldan, born in 1969 in Schärding (Austria), is a visual artist, art educator, curator, and restorer. She initially trained as a carpenter before becoming a restorer for an antique dealer in Austria. She obtained her diploma in painting in 2002 and has since worked as a freelance artist, specializing in pen drawing, lithography, etching, oil painting, and sculpture. Her works often feature fantastical creatures and she has illustrated numerous children’s books, winning awards for her contributions. Smolka-Woldan has exhibited extensively in Austria and Germany since 2002 and has also served as a curator, introducing children to art and guiding visitors through the Kubin-Haus Zwickledt. She is actively involved in various artistic organizations. She has been an Ambassador of Užupis since 2023.
Jul 192021

Ambassador H.E. Jan-Olav Spiekermann


About Schleswig Holstein in Lithuanian

Šlėzvigas-Holšteinas (vok. Schleswig-Holstein) – žemė pačioje Vokietijos šiaurėje, prie Baltijos ir Šiaurės jūrų. Plotas – 15,8 tūkst. km²; 2,8 mln. gyventojų (2007 m.). Sostinė – Kylis. Istoriniame kontekste Šlėzvigui-Holšteinui taip pat priskiriama dalis pietų Jutlandijos, dabar priklausančios Danijai. Iš viso čia gyvena 3,3 % visos Vokietijos gyventojų. 5,1 % visų gyventojų sudaro kitataučiai, daugiausia turkai ir buvusios Jugoslavijos tautos.


Miestas įkurtas 1143 m. grafo Adolf von Schauenberg. Vėliau, po pasta-rojo konflikto su kitu grafu, Heinrich der Löwe, ir po gaisro miestas buvo atstatytas 1157 m. Ne už ilgo jis tapo Hanzos sostine. Čia, Travės upės žiotyse yra garsus rajonas Travemunde su antru pagal aukštį švyturiu pasaulyje (114 m).

12011226 m. miestas priklausė Danijai. 1226 m. suteiktas laisvojo mies-to statusas. Čia rasime „Niederegger“ − seniausią Vokietijoje marcipano parduotuvę.

Miesto svetainė: http://www.luebeck.de


Kylį dar XIII a. įkūrė Holšteino grafas Adolfas IV fon Šauenburgas, tikėjęs, kad miestas taps svarbiu prekybiniu centru. 1242 m. jam suteikiamos miesto teisės, o už kelių dešimtmečių Kylis tampa vienu iš Hanzos miestų. Tačiau šiandieninis miestas neišlaikė Viduramžių dvasios, nes jį ištiko panašus kaip ir Drezdeno likimas – Kylis buvo sugriautas iki pamatų.

XVII a. Holšteino-Gotorfo hercogas Christianas Albrechtas įkuria universitetą. XIX a., kai į Kylį buvo perkeltas Prūsijos laivynas, miestas ima sparčiai augti, tampa pagrindine karine-jūrine Vokietijos baze Baltijos jūroje. Tuo metu buvo atidarytas ir Šiaurės-Baltijos jūros kanalas. Mieste aktyvi tarptautinė prekyba laivais.

Miesto svetainė : https://www.kiel.de



His Excellency Jan-Olav Spiekermann is the inspirer of the gigantic Atlas island micronation project – this is what he says about it:

we have Core Principles stated in our on-line Charter that will never be compromised. We are Classical Liberals who believe in non-initiation of force and individual Rights above all else. We are going to secure the Natural and inviolable Rights of ourselves and those who join us in a new and free ocean-going city-state. We will privatize our limited government and make sure that the private contractors who work for us do exactly what they are contracted to do with complete transparency and total accountability. There will be NO political class at Atlas Island.

Emergence of Ambassador

Foreign Minister: Jan Olav wrote me a letter through this website, asking to become an ambassador of Uzupis. I proposed him Schleswig Holstein, wonderful Land, which I only passed once by ferry from Denmark. But in my teen ages I had to go to Kiel for the yachting championship, though was not allowed by Soviet administration to leave the country. They are very interesting people, Danes mixed with Germans, and I hope to visit them some time in future up to the fullest. I remember once we had a delegation from Schleswig Holstein in Uzupis Parliament, leaded by their Foreign Ministress, and we danced with her. It was then I coined the term Uzupis Diplomacy – Diplomacy made During the Dance. So I feel this inauguration is a very promising one.






Ambassador’s value

Ambassador’s value is enjoying life and sustaining in people the skill of not taking yourself seriously, rather shaping your own life as a kind of improvisational theater.

Faculty of Micronations

First proposal new Ambassador added to the history of Uzupis was to create a Faculty of Micronations in the Uzupis University, and it had been created on ……

Therefore Jan Olav Spiekermann has been accepted as the first Dean of this faculty.

Feb 192021


a beautiful City in the Euregio

(also a Friendly Community)

Embassy in Aachen

currently blessed to be guided by an Silent Ambassador

Ambassadors, residing in Aachen

David Lipgens – Embassy in Friendly Communities
Lukas Aixfred Schulte – Ambassador in Waffel

Dec 022020

ambassador His Excellency Henri Malosse

Apie Korsiką – lietuviams Korsika emociškai turbūt geriausiai žinoma iš Sauliaus Šaltenio apsakymo ”   – “Aš norėčiau gyventi Korsikoj…

Dar, kad Napoleonas kilęs iš ten,



Jun 172019

Ambassador His Excellency Nikita Kuznecov

His Excellency is translator of the works of Czeslaw Milosz into Russian (переводчик Чеслава Милоша на русский язык): “Долина Иссы” (читать) 


“Земля Ульро”http://limbakh.ru/index.php?id=6644